Traccia svolta inglese seconda prova liceo linguistico maturità 2017
Traccia svolta inglese seconda prova liceo linguistico maturità 2017: ecco le soluzioni per la lingua straniera
Traccia ufficiale - Traccia svolta
In queste ore gli studenti dell'ultimo anno del liceo linguistico sono impegnati nella seconda prova di lingua straniera. La maggior parte, come sappiamo, affronteranno proprio quella di inglese e dovranno scegliere una fra le quattro tracce proposte dal Miur. Ecco qual è la traccia seconda prova linguistico che, secondo le indiscrezioni, stanno affrontando proprio in questo momento gli studenti.
Segui il nostro live per rimanere aggiornato in tempo reale su tutte le tracce seconda prova 2017.
Per la seconda prova di lingua inglese gli studenti del liceo linguistico dovranno partire da un brano scelto dal Miur, potranno sceglierne uno tra quattro e rispondere alle domande indicate. Ecco, stando ai rumors, quali sono i brani scelti:
- Attualità: un brano di Stephen Slade, giornalista inglese
- Ambito storico-sociale sulla parità di genere
- Letteratura: un brano di Nadine Gordimer, da The Ultimate Safari
- Ambito artistico: un estratto dell'Encyclopaedia Brittannica
Ecco lo svolgimento di comprehension e interpretation per la traccia di ambito storico sociale sulla parità di genere:
1. In the text, 2 fundamental reasons in favour of gender parity are that improving it may result in significant economic dividends which vary depending on the situation of different economies and the specific challenges they are facing, and a number of studies indicate that a reduction in the employement gender gap has been an important driver of European Economic growth.
2. The closing of gender gaps in China could affect in a positive way, because it could see a US$2.5 trillion GDP increase by 2020.
3. Studies have revealed that a reduction in the employment gender gap has been an important driver of European economic growth over the past decade.
4. The Global Gender Gap Index into account to mesaure the differences between man and women in terms of acces to resources and opportunities, takes four critical: economic participation, education, health and politics.
5. Two exemples of interdependency and knock-on effects from increased gender parity are: the reduction of infant, child and maternal mortality rates and the increase of labour force partecipation rates.
6. The involvment of women in public life produces the following positive effects: to foster greater credibility in institutions and to increase democratic outcomes.
7. Women involved in public life tend to address these issues: family life, education, health and the business issues.
8. Female talent is under-utilized in business because it is a resource that is wasted trough lack of progression or is untapped from the onset.
9. Business leaders according with the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Survey think that addressing gender parity in their company is a matter of fairness and equality.
10. The importance to have more women in leadership roles is shown by the fact that companies with women at the top are better then the others without women at the top, and links also exist between having more women directors and corporate sustainability, as well as with economic growth, since more diverse leadership teams can cater to a broader array of stakeholder needs and concerns.
Ecco lo svolgimento di The existence of gender gaps in Society (ambito storico sociale, produzione)
I think that in our society even tought the role of the woman is better than in past, however there is a difference between men and women. The role of the women is important for many countries, and usualy she can access at top role in society, but in specific sphere, it’s not allowed to the them to access: for exemple in the Church, woman can’t pretend to be Pope, because only man have the chance to become pontiff. I think that everyone would have the possibilities to chase his dreams, without prejudices based on sex or skill. To create awarness of the existance of gender gaps in society to young people of my age, I would say them that the difference between man and women in the society are everywhere: women usually are discriminated in hirings, in salaries and especially in the chance to be head in the office or in a society. Men are again prefered to occupy these positions, because woman could be judged inferior than him to manage hard situations. In this world stereotyps are winning and this is one of the most important problem which increase and strenghten the gap. Some studies confirm that companies with top quartile representation of women in executive committees have been shown to perform better than companies with no women at the top. In my opinion the only difference is included in the mind of the people that underline this separation, because this society need to be a meritocracy, we have to fight against prejudices and we have to judge people only for their actions and their thoughts.
Ecco lo svolgimento di The role of woman in the history (ambito storico sociale, produzione)
In the history, the role of the woman was characterized by a strong discrimination. If we focus on the woman in the Medieval time, the only roles that women could do were houseworks and work in the fields, and they didn’t have rights. The woman didn’t occupy top positions, beacause they were considered inferior than man, and the they were forced to stay at home with their children. During the XIX century, with the Industrial Revolution, woman began to work in farm, but she didn’t have an education instead of man. Later, after many wars to claim her rights, in the XX century, woman started to be indipendent from the control of the man. Some women could access to high instruction and started to teach in the school, other began to work in the hospital like nurses, other in office like secretaries. However they were paid less than man and at work they were strongly discriminated. There was the idea that the woman didn’t have the same abilities and intelligence of the man, who was the only subject that could lead a society or an office: altought the society was changed, it was again chauvinist and patriarchal idea. After the two World Wars, the women found the way to surface and to occupy in this last years top positions. Now we have many exemples of important women who leads their countries like Angela Merkel, who is the chancellor of Germany, and also in Italy, in particular in Torin e in Rome, we have witnessed significants developments in the gender culture, indeed for the first time there are two female mayors in Italy from the 1861.