Traccia inglese tecnico per il turismo Maturità 2015: Tamasin Day-Lewis
Traccia Maturità 2015 tecnico per il turismo: è uscito Tamasin Day-Lewis, The Language of food helps us all travel well
TRACCIA INGLESE TECNICO PER IL TURISMO MATURITA’ 2015: TAMASIN DAY-LEWIS. Alla seconda prova della Maturità 2015 per l’Istituto tecnico settore economico indirizzo turismo il Miur ha scelto come traccia d’inglese l’articolo di Tamasin Day-Lewis Language of food helps us all travel well tratto dal The Telegraph del 13 febbraio 2015. Ai ragazzi è chiesto di leggere e comprendere il testo.
SECONDA PROVA MATURITA’ 2015,TRACCIA INGLESE TECNICO PER IL TURISMO: IL BRANO DI TAMASIN DAY-LEWIS. Ecco un estratto della traccia della seconda prova della Maturità 2015 scelta dal Miur per il Tecnico per il Turismo: il brano di Tamasin Day-Lewis dal titolo Language of food helps us all travel well
As part of the Life Well Travelled series, chef and food writer Tamasin Day-Lewis talks about her thrill at finding a common language 'inside very different worlds’
I managed to get to the age of 19 having only travelled abroad once, to Paris, to a friend of my parents’ for a couple of weeks, with a weekend in the country where I duly fell under the spell of the older son. He took no notice whatsoever, but the younger son fell under the spell of the gawky, silent, teenage guest. I didn’t open my mouth. The words wouldn’t come out. Everyone spoke so fast, I barely understood a word.
All our family holidays were spent in the west of Ireland, which wasn’t considered “abroad” since my father was Irish and nothing felt weird, different, incomprehensible, foreign.
I seem to have been making up for this wholly un-cosmopolitan, unsophisticated start in life ever since and at some stage I lost the fear of arriving in an unknown city alone, with a film crew or with friends or family, even if I didn’t speak a word of the language.
As a documentary maker, and later as a writer, I have been lucky enough to see many of the places I have travelled to all over the world while researching, interviewing, filming, taking notes about the place, the food and the country for work. This has engrained in me a love, a thrill, at stepping inside the very different worlds I have encountered neither quite as a tourist nor as a disinterested observer.