Tema in inglese sull'inquinamento
Tema svolto in lingua inglese sull'inquinamento ambientale per la scuola media
The Environment and Pollution
There are many serious problems in the world, one of which is pollution. When we harm the environment through various forms of waste, we contribute to pollution. There are four types of pollution:
- Air pollution: caused by air transportation, factory emissions, road traffic, and CFCs.
- Water pollution: oil spills, industrial waste, shipping, and fertilizers carried by rain.
- Land pollution: pesticides, industrial waste, rubbish, and fertilizers.
- Noise pollution: air and rail transportation, road traffic, lawn mowers, car alarms, and other sources.
It is important to note that glass never decomposes, plastic takes 1,000 years to decompose, and aluminum takes 500 years to decompose.
However, there is a solution to this issue: the 3Rs - reduce, reuse, and recycle. If everyone adopts these practices, we can save the Earth. Recycling is the process of turning old materials into new products, with the goal of reducing waste and preserving valuable resources
Pollution causes many problems, including:
- rubbish
- litter on the beach
- leaded gasoline
- endangered species
- deforestation caused by the cutting down of trees in rainforests
- factories that emit pollution into the air
- polluted rivers
The Earth is in danger and we must act to save it.
One of the biggest threats to our planet is acid rain, which forms when gases from cars and factories mix with atmospheric water. Acid rain destroys forests and many plants and animals cannot survive.
In the next 30 years, one quarter of birds and fish will die due to the loss of natural habitats, pollution, and hunting.
Other environmental issues include:
- Global warming, which is caused by an increase in carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and a decrease in oxygen due to deforestation.
Damage to the ozone layer caused by chemicals creating a hole, which allows ultraviolet rays to easily reach the surface and leads to an increase in skin cancer, harm to animal life, and changes in weather patterns. - Deforestation, which occurs due to human demands for more land for cultivation and profit, leading to larger deserts and affecting large areas of the planet.
A solution to these issues is the use of alternative energy sources, which can be divided into two categories: renewable and non-renewable. Renewable sources include wind, solar, geothermal, and ocean energy, while non-renewable sources include oil, natural gas, and coal.
Everyone can make a difference by taking small actions.
Fortunately, there are many organizations dedicated to saving the Earth from disaster.
Leggi anche:
- Inquinamento: tesina per la scuola media
L'inquinamento: tesina di scienze per la scuola media. Cos'è l'inquinamento e le cause dell'inquinamento del suolo, atmosferico, acustico e idrico - Tesina sull'inquinamento ambientale
Tesina sull'inquinamento ambientale: origini, cause, cambiamento climatico, gas serra, buco dell'ozono, piogge acide e possibili rimedi
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